One time i was riding my bike with my cousin and a friend down some dirt jumps in SLO behind Home Depot we we're trying to do the biggest jump and get the highest air we could get. On this day me and my friend wanted to do hardcore Mountain Biking, me and my friend decided to go up to this really steep drop on the side you can take to get speed and hit the ramp at the bottom. My friend went first and he made made it down safe hitting the jump and landing. Then it was my turn but when I started going down I decided to take a other little path to the side and went up a ramp that's used to jump into the steep hill. I couldn't stop my self because i was already leaning over the edge of the ramp so I decided to keep going. I specifically remember that day i didn't want to use that bike because the brakes didn't work so well. and while going down the hill i pressed the brakes but i guess i just wast to sure on how fast i was going. Once i hit the ramp i went i remember catching some huge air, but i hit the ramp side ways which made me fly off to the side instead of even landing on the little landing ramp. I wasn't able to control the bike mid air also and it flew of my hands because iv'e never flew so high on a bike before. I caught my self with my hands so i wouldn't face plant into the dirt and rocks, and my friend came down the hill running and screaming because he thought it was so crazy how much air i got. i tried to get back up but it hurt because my arms took all the impact and weight from my body so i would face plant. at least i thought i was okay until my wrist kept on hurting every time i tried to stand back up. I pulled my sleeve up and what i saw was my wrist broken with my bone about to pop out, yup and that when  i realized my wrist was broken. i called my mom telling her i dislocated my wrist and ending up finding out i broke it when the doctor told me. and that was crazy.
I waking up from getting put to sleep i felt really sick and was throwing up because i was feeling really sick from all the stuff they injected into me to make me pass out. i actually felt really weak to and asked for a wheel chair just so i can get to the car. and i got skinnier to from throwing still days after. i hope i'm more careful next time and don't get my self hurt and d it right.

The End


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